Total trade volume on COPYDEAL signals totals 12.4 billion USD in one year


In anticipation of the new year, we are publishing the total volume of copied trades on COPYDEAL for the current year. That number is a record 12.4 billion USD. Financial indicators reflect the aggregate trading volume of users of the social platform and include consolidated data from partner brokers of TSB.

The number of profitable traders per day (DARTs) has maintained its positive momentum since the middle of the year at almost 80% of all companies, and by the beginning of December that figure grew by 2.7%. Trading session activity also increased by 1.8%. The client base likewise showed a marked improvement. In the past month, the number of new users of the COPYDEAL trading platform grew by 17%, which indicates that investors increasingly trust this innovative social venture. In addition, compared to the first half of the year, where growth tends were relatively sluggish, the second half ended with great results. In a month-over-month comparison, December was the most profitable. The figures for all other indicators are similarly positive.

Annie Durand commented on the annual financial report on COPYDEAL signals: “Almost two years have passed since the launch of our social platform, and I would like to say that it has been a challenging two years. We overcame many difficulties before we achieved the results we see today. Much credit for this success is owed to the diligence of TSB’s team of software engineers. However, we would not have prevailed without the loyalty of our clients. It was the users of COPYDEAL who determined the future of this venture. Every day, we receive positive feedback from traders that social trading not only makes their work on financial markets easier, but also helps them improve. For my part, I would add that the opportunity to openly communicate and discuss issues among users not only contributes to higher profits and reduced risks, but it also helps us, as developers, react promptly to any investor requests.”

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