New Position Size Calculator: SL and TP Which Follow Entry Line and Are Set in Pips

The newest version (2.14) the Position Size Calculator indicator, which is released today, introduces a new way to set stop-loss and take-profit for your potential trade setups. You can set the new input parameters UseFixedSLDistance and UseFixedTPDistance to true to turn this new mode on:

The example of what happens when both SL and TP are set to fixed distance is shown below:

The new version also fixes a minor bug that resulted in incorrectly calculated potential reward with some trading instruments.

If you are using the current latest version (1.05) of 
PSC-Trader script, there is no need to update it. It will work fine with the new Position Size Calculator.

If you prefer not to use MetaTrader, you can opt for the web version of the position size calculator. Despite being very different from the MetaTrader version, it will let you calculate position size easily.

If you have any suggestions or wish to report a bug for this MetaTrader indicator, please use the commentary form below.

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