Daily Percentage Change is the latest addition to the list of free MT4/MT5 indicators I share on EarnForex.com. It is loosely based on this MT4 indicator. The main advantage of such an indicator is that it can be used in price action trading to get the understanding of the current session’s direction at a glance. Its main features are:
The time shift feature is really simple. For example, if your broker starts Sunday’s session at 17:00, you would want to set time shift to +7. Conversely, if your broker, for example, starts weekly session on Monday at 2:00, you would want to set time shift to -2.
Here is an example of the Daily Percentage Change in action in MetaTrader 4 platform. It uses custom settings to show the daily and weekly changes in the lower right corner and the monthly change in the upper left corner of the chart. Also, it uses increased font sizes for better readability. You can click on the image to see how the indicator looks in the
You can download the settings file or see them here:
settings file
You can get the code of the MT5 and MT4 versions or read Daily Percentage Change about this rate change indicator.
If you find any bugs in this MetaTrader indicator or if you want to make a suggestion regarding its functionality, please use the commentary form below.