As a way to celebrate Thanksgiving, I have finally found some time to convert one of the most popular MT4 indicators to the two less popular platforms: MetaTrader 5 and cTrader. You will also find a more detailed and precise description of the indicator on Meanwhile, I have also updated the MT4 version for better compatibility with Build 600 changes and fixed some minor bugs within it.
MetaTrader 5
MT5 version is not very different from the MT4 one except for that it works with indicator buffers in a more natural way, but has to use a slow custom iMAOnArray() function to do rather basic calculation of RSI averages.
description of the indicator
cTrader version’s source code looks very different compared to its MetaTrader counterparts. It was very easy to program and the resulting code can be understood by a complete newbie. Unfortunately, it does not support alerts as there are no
description of the indicator
If you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions regarding this Forex technical indicator, please feel free to post in the commentary section below. If you have Traders Dynamic Index coded for some other trading platform, you can share it here too.