Not everyone can trade Forex successfully — some simply don’t have enough time to trade or to learn, others can’t reach a desired level of profitability; and not every Forex trader has enough money to live from his trading. That’s where PAMM (Percentage Allocation Management Module) accounts come to hand. Anyone can use PAMM accounts to invest into some Forex trader and any Forex trader may use them to get the investment to manage. There are several known Forex brokers that offer PAMM accounts. I find it an interesting idea, but I’ve never used PAMM — I’m too unsure in my skills to manage someone’s money and I’m too conservative to give my money under management by some trader. That’s why I trade only by myself, but I also see a lot of investors seeking for traders to manage their capital and a lot of professional traders looking for investors — PAMM is surely popular. And how about you?
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