4 Ways in Which the Weather can Affect the Forex Markets (by Heather Johnson)

Currency trading can be approached using a number of different methods. Many mathematical purists will tell you that technical analysis is the only way to go, swearing that they can see the future by poring over chart after chart after chart. Others glance at the trends, ruminate for a minute or two, then go with a hunch and ride a pair wherever it wants to go. Some forex traders, however, attempt to accumulate as much information as they possibly can before investing in a currency pair. These thorough individuals stay apprised of politics, trade and investment, interest rates, consumer trends, the housing market, inflation, capital markets, industry indicators, and the latest economic theory. But even these studious individuals can overlook a resource that offers great insight into developments in the forex markets. This important font of knowledge is, of course, your local weatherman.
While this comment is made at least partially tongue-in-cheek, the idea that the weather could affect the forex markets is not at all far-fetched. Weather conditions have a profound effect on local economies, on energy consumption, and on the all-important agricultural industry. A change in the weather can have a tremendous impact on the economy, causing currency values to fluctuate. This article will examine the affects of North American weather on the Dollar, though the observations herein can easily be applied to most developed countries and their currencies.
So without further ado, here are four ways that the weather affects the dollar: a must-read list for the truly obsessive forexer.

  • Tornados, hurricanes, floods and the like: Hurricane Katrina is a prime example of how natural disasters can affect the Dollar, but these incidents don’t need to be on the scale of Katrina to have an influence on the forex markets. Any weather event that damages property or impacts citizens to the point that they require assistance from local or federal government agencies can put a strain on the Dollar. Sizeable disasters can also affect national morale, causing unease or even panic, neither of which is ever good for the Dollar.
  • Droughts and deluges: Anyone who has ever watched the local news in Iowa knows where the agricultural industry’s priorities lie. By the sixth appearance of the weatherman in the first fifteen minutes of the broadcast, it is evident that the weather is a major economic concern. Any conditions that cause crop failure or harm livestock not only hurt farmers, but they drive up prices and force food retailers to look abroad for substitute products. When this occurs, the trade deficit increases and the Dollar takes a hit.
  • Cold cold winters: An extraordinarily cold winter results in unexpected increases in energy costs for both industries and consumers. As the bulk of the gas and oil used in the US is imported, the Dollar suffers as Americans try to stay warm.
  • Hot hot summers: An abnormally hot summer also leads to higher energy costs for consumers. The summer months are normally spending months, when Americans travel and shop for big-ticket items. If Americans have less disposable income because of increased electricity bills, then everyone is more likely to stay home and enjoy the AC rather than venture out into the heat to buy a new car and start that cross-country trip. In this way, a hot summer can slow the economy and have a deflating effect on the Dollar.
  • By-line:
    Heather Johnson is a freelance finance and economics writer, as well as a regular contributor for CurrencyTrading.net, a site for currency trading and forex trading information. Heather welcomes comments and freelancing job inquiries at her email address heatherjohnson2323@gmail.com.

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