This Thursday I received an interesting message via the contact form on my site. It was from some newbie Forex trader from Canada that confused me with her Forex broker and asked for payment method and the contact info to withdraw money from here trading account, which in reality appeared to be a demo account (open at LiteForex). Heres the message text (with real name and contact details undisclosed, of course):
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is A. I set up a Meta 4 LiteForex Demo Account starting on June 15, 2009. My account number is 1000xxxxxx SIG Trader 4.
I want to know the name and contact info of the broker for my account as soon as possible. I need to know the payment method because the first week I made $3825.25 trading. I am still doing the trading.
My address is bla bla bla.
Please contact me as soon as possible.
I tried to inform this person that I am not her broker and that she should contact LiteForex instead and also that its not very justified to ask for a withdrawal from a demo account. Ive got one e-mail back with almost the same content as the first one. Apparently the hapless Forex trader failed to understand the situation or just didnt believe me. Ive tried once more to explain everything to her and received another interesting reply, which still insisted on a withdrawal from the virtual funds:
Again, please explain to me the payout process method to me for doing this forex trading the demo account! I need to know the payout process as soon as possible! I am not doing this forex trading for nothing!
Fortunately after one more e-mail from my side Ive got a reply from her that made me think that she finally understood that its rather useless to ask me for «payout process for doing forex trading on demo». Though I am still not sure whether she understood well that its in all cases impossible to withdraw anything from the Forex demo account…
So, the moral of the story: if you want to earn money in Forex (and then withdraw it) you have to deposit real money into a real trading account first, then you should trade and win and only after that you are free to withdraw everything you want. To other Forex newbies I want to recommend reading the basic information about the retail Forex market and how it functions before «doing this forex trading for nothing». And in case you were going to request a withdrawal from your brokers demo account, I beg you: «Please, dont!»
If you have any comments on this case or if you witnessed something similarly weird in Forex, please, reply via the form below.