It’s been a while since the last time I’ve converted some indicator from MT4 to MT5 platform. So, today I present Support and Resistance indicator, which was initially written by Barry Stander for MetaTrader 4. It was a very simple conversion since the code was quite small in the MT4 version. The indicator uses only one standard MetaTrader indicator — Bill Williams’ Fractals. The resulting converted version of the indicator for MT5 has some advantages:
But there are also some disadvantages compared to MT4 version:
You can get the code of MT5 version or read more Support and Resistance indicator about this support and resistance indicator.
Update: It turns out that in MetaTrader 5 the EMPTY_VALUE constant is intentionally equal to DBL_MAX, so it’s a normal behavior for iFractals to return DBL_MAX values when the indicator’s value is empty.
If you find some bugs in this MT5 indicator or want to make a suggestion regarding its functionality or what should be my next MT4->MT5 conversion, please, use the commentary form below.