Forex Technical Analysis for Week 02/07—02/11

Floor Pivot Points Pair 3rd Sup 2nd Sup 1st Sup Pivot 1st Res 2nd Res 3rd Res EUR/USD 1.3148 1.3345 1.3466 1.3663 1.3784 1.3981 1.4102 GBP/USD 1.5394 1.5606 1.5852 1.6064 1.6310 1.6522 1.6768 USD/JPY 80.05 80.59 81.38 81.92 82.71 83.25 84.04 EUR/JPY 108.54 109.66 110.67 111.79 112.80 113.92 114.93 GBP/JPY 127.33 128.57 130.44 131.68 133.55 134.79 136.66 Woodie’s Pivot Points Pair 2nd Sup 1st Sup Pivot 1st Res 2nd Res EUR/USD 1.3326 1.3427 1.3644 1.3745 1.3962 GBP/USD 1.5615 1.5868 1.6073 1.6326 1.6531 USD/JPY 80.65 81.52 81.98 82.85 83.31 EUR/JPY 109.63 110.62 111.76 112.75 113.89 GBP/JPY 128.73 130.75 131.84 133.86 134.95 Camarilla Pivot Points Pair 4th Sup 3rd Sup 2nd Sup 1st Sup 1st Res 2nd Res 3rd Res 4th Res EUR/USD 1.3411 1.3499 1.3528 1.3557 1.3615 1.3644 1.3673 1.3761 GBP/USD 1.5845 1.5971 1.6013 1.6055 1.6139 1.6181 1.6223 1.6349 USD/JPY 81.45 81.81 81.94 82.06 82.30 82.42 82.55 82.91 EUR/JPY 110.51 111.09 111.29 111.48 111.88 112.07 112.27 112.85 GBP/JPY 130.59 131.44 131.73 132.01 132.59 132.87 133.16 134.01 Tom DeMark’s Pivot Points Pair EUR/USD GBP/USD USD/JPY EUR/JPY GBP/JPY Resistance 1.3724 1.6416 82.98 113.36 134.17 Support 1.3406 1.5958 81.65 111.23 131.06 Fibonacci Retracement Levels Pairs EUR/USD GBP/USD USD/JPY EUR/JPY GBP/JPY 100.0% 1.3861 1.6277 82.45 112.91 132.93 61.8% 1.3740 1.6102 81.94 112.10 131.74 50.0% 1.3702 1.6048 81.79 111.85 131.38 38.2% 1.3664 1.5994 81.63 111.59 131.01 23.6% 1.3618 1.5927 81.43 111.28 130.55 0.0% 1.3543 1.5819 81.12 110.78 129.82

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