The Swiss National Bank has announced a minimal level of the national currency (Swiss franc) relative to the euro almost a week ago. During these 4 and a half days of trading, the EUR/CHF rate moved in a range slightly above 1.2 level — between 1.2009 and 1.2185, which is within 1.5% of the target peg level. Currently the EUR/CHF currency pair is trading near 1.2050.
As I’ve already written, I perceive this situation as an interesting carry trade opportunity, which means that I am pretty sure in the
For how long will SNB hold EUR/CHF above 1.2000?
- At least until 2013. (27%, 25 Votes)
- For several weeks. (24%, 22 Votes)
- No longer than by the end of 2011. (20%, 18 Votes)
- Through the first half of 2012. (17%, 16 Votes)
- For few more days only. (12%, 11 Votes)
Total Voters: 92
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If you want to share your thoughts or ideas regarding the SNB’s ability to hold EUR/CHF rate, or if you want to ask any question regarding the situation with the franc’s ceiling rate, please feel free to reply using the form below.