Top 5 Forex Blogs

Four years have passed since I published my previous list of Forex blogs to follow. Two of the blogs mentioned there are no longer active ( and I have also switched some priorities in my Forex reading, so the current recommended blogs list looks as following:
Ben Bernanke’s Blog — my best discovery of 2015. A real gem on interest rates, monetary policy and Fed’s tactics. Helicopter Ben does not post too often, but when he does he does it right to the point. It is an indispensable resource if you want to understand the mindset of the Federal Open Market Committee and learn more about the role of central banks in macroeconomics, including implications for the currency markets. Combine that with no ads at all, and you’ve got a blog to follow.
ForexLive — is a combination of five blogs by five different authors. The result is a great up-to-date resource with news, fundamental & technical analysis, and opinion pieces. They review currency pairs, commodities, stock markets, and various fundamental indicators. The number of ads is moderate compared to most of the modern Forex websites.
Market Anthropology — once in a week or two the author of this financial blog (Erik Swarts) posts a very deep researched analysis of some commodity, instrument, or market. Usually, the blog posts are of the best prepared analysis pieces you would ever see on Forex. It is a well thought out blend of fundamental and technical analysis. There are no advertisements in this blog, but it has another disadvantage: the author prefers to use an overly complicated language. This is just a typical example of the sentences normally used in the blog:

And while we tend to have greater support of the Fed in the wake of the financial crisis, we do expect pent-up inflation — which was largely held at bay through various monetary policy initiatives at home and abroad, to have much greater capacity than current expectations — or the reach of nominal yields.

Forex Crunch — an old Forex website built as a blog. It’s current web design is a little bit outdated and the whole place is ridden with annoying ads. Still, their analysis and forecasts are pretty insightful and help me a lot in my trading.
LeapRate — since Forex Magnates became Finance Magnates and had its website bloated into a monstrosity which barely loads in my browser, I switched to LeapRate for industry news. They feature a lot of good info, including some market insights. The website is not mobile-friendly but it is still readable even from phone. Unfortunately, they too have an abundance of ads.

If you want to mention some good Forex-related blog you recommend reading or if you want to tell us about something you like or dislike about the listed blogs, please do so using the commentary form below.

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