New Website Design Complete

After a month of tinkering and tweaking, the fourth version of website design is ready. Today, you can see the new appearance and browse though the new structure in all its beauty and navigational power. Although I would like to hear your thoughts on the current look and its usability, I would first like to explain why it is much better than what had before and how it is much more than just a looks update.
More blogs
The new website features three new blogs about trading.
The news blog migrated from its previous location at It offers timely updates on the global developments connected to major trends in the Forex market. Each news article is focused on one or two currencies and provides just enough fundamental analysis to understand the current factors of strength and weakness.
news blog
Expect about 2–4 news articles a weekday on average.
Our commodities blog has been moved from where it resided since January 2008. Daily analysis of the commodities that are highly popular among Forex traders is shared there. Gold, oil, and silver are the main focus of this blog. News articles there mention important reasons for significant market movements and provide overall context for a given commodity. Additionally, weekly technical analysis is provided for oil, gold, silver, and copper. From time to time, you will also find posts with chart pattern analysis and actionable trade setups.
commodities blog
You can expect about one commodity news article per day on this blog.
The new video blog section is a merged video website that previously could be found on Here you will find not only educational videos that explain various trading concepts in detail, but also daily analytical reports on a range of trading related topics: currencies, commodities, stocks, economic indicators, etc.
video blog
We normally feature from 2 to 4 new videos daily in our video blog.
The change in how the website looks is the most obvious one. It may even seem a different website to many visitors. Luckily, such a drastic change comes with some benefits.
Ready for mobile
The website is now more friendly towards mobile browsing — with scaling texts, bigger links, more whitespace between section, and compressed images. Navigation in mobile browsers is easier with the new menu crafted specifically for small-screen devices.

More space
Reading big articles is now fun as the texts are no longer cramped into some tiny space. New design gives important content the space it deserves:

The fonts became bigger, better, and more readable:

The numerous Forex calculators acquired a new look and user interface, which is focused on data rather than on presentation:

well-thought-out navigation facilitates finding desired content, gives a hint of what else can be found on the website, and helps to find the reader’s way among previously browsed pages.
You will never got lost with the new breadcrumbs that now encompass the whole website:

Main page to revisit
The main page offers a list of latest publications in 8 sections: brokers, books, articles, strategies, indicators, expert advisors, VPS, reviews.

Moreover, the main page now also features the latest posts from this blog, the news, commodities, and video blogs.
New tool
Interest rates table is now a part of It is an interactive table of central banks’ reference rates that offers opportunity of not only seeing the current rates and latest monetary actions, but also to browse the past decisions and see the rates at a particular day in history.
Interest rates table
Our advertisements have become less obstructive and now insert themselves more naturally into website’s content. At the same time, they are displayed normally in low-resolution screens.

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