Daily Percentage Change is the latest addition to the list of free MT4/MT5 indicators I share on EarnForex.com. It is loosely based on this MT4 indicator. The main advantage of such an indicator is that it can be used in price action trading to get the understanding of the current session’s direction at a glance. Its main features are: Daily, weekly, and monthly change display. Time shift input parameter to help with the brokers who […]
Read moreThe Polish zloty fell today after a member of central bank’s Monetary Policy Council signaled that the National Bank of Poland would accept depreciation of the currency if it happens Jerzy Kropiwnicki said that it would be “acceptable” if the zloty tumbles to record lows after the Brexit vote. He noted that a weaker currency would be beneficial to nation’s exporters. The zloty, which was already under pressure […]
Read moreThe Mexican peso dropped against the US dollar today as the market sentiment was detrimental to risky assets of emerging markets. Concerns about the Brexit, the potential interest rate hike from the Federal Reserve, and economic slowdown in China deterred investors from buying currencies associated with risk. The Mexican central bank hiked interest rates in February, bolstering the peso, but the effect of the hike has waned as of now. Bank’s Governor Agustin Carstens […]
Read moreUS dollar is mostly lower today, pulling back as Forex traders review possibilities and prepare for the Federal Reserve policy decision later this week. Greenback has given up some of its recent gains, and the dollar index is lower today. Greenback is heading lower against its major counterparts today, dropping after seeing some gains last week. Part of the losses are likely due to profit […]
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