Sold to Another Broker?

So many customer base transfers happened in the USA during the last few years — either through the normal merger & acquisition process or due to the exit sale. There should be quite a lot of Forex traders who have felt on their own account what is it like to be transferred to another company. The most recent example being the retail clients of FXCM that have been moved to Gain Capital ( on February 7 because the regulators prhibited FXCM from doing business in the United States.
Globally, the same trader tossing is going on, albeit to a lesser extent. From the transfer of the Australian customers of YouTradeFX to AvaTrade to ETX Capital‘s acquisition of Alpari UK traders, Forex traders worldwide could experience their account being moved from one broker to another.

Luckily, this has not yet happened to me. Almost all of the brokers I have a live account with had gone through some process of rebranding but that rarely affected anything at all. I guess that in the best case, a transfer between two companies should also go unnoticed and smooth, but how does it happen in reality? What is your experience with this?

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