When Does Your Forex Day Start?

Much of the trading activity, at least in such currency pairs as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and the like, takes place during the intersection of the London and New York trading sessions. The most of the important movements in JPY pairs normally appear during the Asian session. If you live in Central Europe or on the US East Coast, you will have little trouble adjusting your timetable to trade active FX hours in the London/NY session. If you live in Japan or Oceania, you might focus on trading the yen pairs. However, if your time zone connects poorly with the busy trading periods or if you have another job with hours that get on badly with the trading session of your choice, then you might be forced to trade Forex during weird hours.
One of the worst cases, in my opinion, is trying to trade the London and New York jointly if you live by the Pacific time. Getting into the early London session is nearly impossible except if you want trading as a night job. Trading the intersecting hours would require you to get up at about 4:00 in the morning unless you can jump straight from the bed to your computer. Refocusing on late NY or early Tokyo sessions might be a good solution if you want to day trade while residing in the PST time zone.
Another notable case is represented by the time zones spanning from Eastern Europe to India. Millions of Forex traders reside in those time zones. The bad thing about this time is that the first half of the day is nearly untradable being in a dead zone between the Asian and the London sessions. The good thing is that these zones are particularly good if you want to trade just after your normal job hours. This can be great for integrating a full-time job and currency trading.

The problem with the time zones and sessions can be eliminated nearly completely if you switch to 
long-term trading. However, scalpers and day traders have to be very careful when choosing their personal working hours and watch out for how well they combine with the major sessions and their own lifestyle. So, at about what hour do you normally start trading?

When does your FX trading day start by your local time?

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