If you have a good trading strategy, you probably won’t change it much. Of course, if you notice something inefficient you would be tempted to fix that and apply some additional checks or revise your position sizing rules, or simply modify your entry parameters. The problem is that the new fix may turn out to be a bigger problem or sometimes even ruin a working system. That is why Forex traders usually approach such changes with skepticism. On the other hand, if your strategy is not performing well at all, nearly any change would be a chance to improve it.
When I look back at my own strategy as it was one year ago, I cannot notice any significant changes. Perhaps, it became more strict in terms of the chart patterns, which now need to be very visible and confirmed with numerous chart points. But that is almost undetectable. I was quite surprised today when I found out that my strategy was quite well formed in December 2011 (mostly under influence of this book). Moreover, during the whole 2012 the results were good enough to keep me from changing the strategy. And how about you?
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If you feel like sharing more information about how your trading strategy changed during the past year, please feel free to do so using the form below.