The year 2009 comes to an end. The overall market behavior was quite surprising to the majority of the Forex traders as the dollar traded in a very unpredictable manner — rising and falling and then again rising with a high level of volatility. Many analysts issue their forecasts regarding the next year, 2010. In the next few days I’ll also post my own forecast regarding the currencies, the interest rates, the gold and the oil (Update: it’s already out; you can view my forecast for 2010), but today I’d like to see the expectations of the average Forex traders — you. After all, it’s the market participants who make all the market movements, so your opinion is much more important than any analyst’s forecast. The poll below will remain open only until January 15th to make it rather a forecast than a simple statement of facts.
What do you expect from 2010?
- Global economy rises and U.S. dollar appreciates vs. other currencies. (42%, 19 Votes)
- Global economy rises but U.S. dollar falls vs. other currencies. (33%, 15 Votes)
- Global economy decreases but U.S. dollar rises. (13%, 6 Votes)
- Everything remains the same. (9%, 4 Votes)
- Global economy goes down with the U.S. dollar. (2%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 45
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If you have some interesting comments or questions regarding the Forex forecasts for the year 2010, please, feel free to reply using the form below.