Three new articles from the author that is well-presented on my site were uploaded today. Marquez Comelab writes mostly about obscure topics related to the Forex trading. I can recommend the following articles for both experienced and beginning Forex traders:
The Power of Small Consistent Returns — Explains the difference between earning small and large consistent returns over the long periods of time. Finding balance between risk and return can be hard, but getting always too small rewards isnt a good experience too.
The Advantages of Trading Alone — Some traders prefer to trade in groups, some like to share their experience with others, some like to ask for advices, but some traders prefer to trade alone. Are you one of them?
I am Happy with My System, Whats Next? — Having problem «finishing» your system development? Do you constantly change your completed system when you think that its trading wrong? Thats a big problem for some traders (and its becoming a problem for me currently). Read this article for the ideas on how to leave your successful system alone.
- admin_mm
- August 3, 2008
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