Japanese Yen Strengthens vs. Euro on Korean Conflict

The Japanese yen rose today against the euro after it declined previously as the United Nations called for the talks with North Korea about its attack on the South Korean island, supporting the Asian equities and reducing the demand for the haven.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index of shares reduced its losses to 0.4 percent after it previously fell as much as 1.3 percent. The experts say that if the Korean conflict wouldn’t continue the incident and its impact on the markets would be swiftly forgotten. For now, it seems, the tension still affects the traders’ sentiment.
EUR/JPY dropped from 111.15 to 110.80 as of 10:26 GMT after it rose previously to 111.74. USD/JPY traded near 83.25 after opening at 83.15 and falling to 82.93.

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