Australian Dollar Trades Higher Ahead of Thursday’s Employment Data

The Australian dollar gained during the Wednesday’s trading session, though it has shed some of its gains by now.
The Westpac Melbourne Institute Index of Consumer Sentiment rose 0.3% in September after increasing 2.0% in the prior month. The report noted that the sentiment “has been remarkably stable for the last six months” despite plenty of events that should have hurt it. Now, traders wait for employment data from Australia due to release on Thursday. Forecasters promise an increase of the jobs number by 15,200.
AUD/USD rose from 0.7462 to 0.7477 as of 11:53 GMT today, touching the high of 0.7494 intraday. AUD/JPY advanced from the open of 76.52 to 76.75 but retreated from the daily high of 77.41.

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